Because You’re Gorgeous!

Anddddd… its Thursday!  How in the bejeezus did that happen?  Its a good day people – just one more day to the weekend and an AMAZING Real Wedding to share with you on the wedding blog this morning, sent in by my wedding photographer friend the super talented – see for yourselves! – James Melia Photography. 
Lisa and Russell’s Real Wedding is an absolute master class in understated elegance and almost has a French feel to it, such is the sophisticated and romantic vibe of their day. 
C’est chic – Yorkshire style.  The best type of style that there is. 
The lovely Lisa, this morning’s bride, says:  We got engaged in the sea off the tiny island of Anti-Paxos in July 2009 and married on 10th September 2011 at All Souls’ Church in Leeds and then went on to the Angel Inn at Hetton. 
Russell attends All Souls’ church and we are both friends with the lovely vicar Alice Snowden. For the reception we chose the Angel Inn, where we’d been a couple of years before to celebrate Russell’s birthday. We knew it was the right place for our wedding reception: the food is out of this world, the staff friendly and accommodating and the atmosphere incredibly romantic. It was a dream location in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales.
We tried to pick things we loved rather than obsessing over whether things matched. In the end the colours sort of clustered around a natural, organic, or even wild palette: ivory, deep blue, dark green, teal, slate grey and so on.
Jo Bilham of Huddersfield did my makeup and James Melia Photography was there to capture all the action! Both James and Jo worked as a great team to make me look and feel beautiful – I couldn’t imagine the day without them.
As a special touch, we had prosecco at the back of church for everyone to enjoy, regardless of whether or not they were coming on for the meal.

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